Los Angeles Workplace Retaliation Attorney
Successfully Protecting Employees
When a private business or governmental agency is breaking the law, we are all potential victims. Employees who inform the police or governmental authorities of illegal practices should receive rewards for their courage in coming forward, not punishment. Our Los Angeles employment attorneys believe California employees who speak out about employer violations of workplace rights should not have to suffer the damaging repercussions and fear of workplace retaliation or wrongful termination.
Our Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyers of Kesluk, Silverstein, Jacob & Morrison, P.C. represent individuals whose employers discriminate or retaliate against them after they report illegal practices. If you are a victim of wrongful termination or have experienced another form retaliation at work by your boss, reach out to a Los Angeles workplace retaliation lawyer for a free consultation regarding your rights under California employment law. Our employment attorneys understand workplace retaliation and wrongful termination can be devastating to your work, personal life and financial future. We want to help you seek compensation for your damages.
What Is Retaliation In the Workplace?
In California, workplace retaliation refers to the career damaging actions an employer may take in punishing an employee who complains about, reports or aides in the investigation of the neglect of employee rights or illegal activity.
California workplace retaliation laws protect you when reporting or participating in an investigation involving:
- Workplace harassment
- Sexual harassment in the workplace
- Workplace discrimination
- Unpaid wages and unpaid overtime
- Workplace hazards or injuries in the workplace
- Involvement in illegal activity and violation of any employee rights
Retaliation at work by your boss is illegal whether the employee’s complaint was brought up to management or a larger entity, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, whether the complaint ends up being “true” or not.
What Do I Do If I Was Wrongfully Terminated?
What Are Examples of Retaliation?
Workplace retaliation can manifest itself as a variety of detrimental actions that range in severity.
Examples of retaliation at the workplace include:
- Being demoted
- Being given an unsatisfactory job reference
- Being inconveniently relocated
- Being switched to a less desirable shift
- Wrongful termination
If you feel you are experiencing acts of retaliation at work by your boss or your employer, reach out to a Los Angeles retaliation lawyer as soon as possible. Issues of retaliation in the workplace are time sensitive, and how quickly you react can affect your ability to file a successful workplace retaliation lawsuit in California.
Speak with a Los Angeles retaliation lawyer today if you have questions regarding the California workplace retaliation laws or a wrongful termination lawsuit.
Proving Workplace Retaliation in California
To prove retaliation in the workplace, a Los Angeles worker must establish a correlation between the complaint of unlawful behavior and act of workplace retaliation in question. Providing a timeline of events is an effective strategy in proving direct correlation between your complaint and your employer’s repercussive measures.
California workplace retaliation law also takes into account the severity of consequences in retaliation in the workplace cases. The retaliation must have been severe enough for a reasonable person to have avoided raising the issue had the consequence been known in advance.
For example, if an employee in California reports an incident of sexual harassment in the workplace and later demoted, he or she may have thought twice before filing the complaint if they had known it would lead to their demotion.
Proving workplace retaliation can be difficult, because many employees are employed “at-will.” California at-will employment means workers do not have employment contracts. The at-will employer or employee can terminate the relationship at any time, for any reason. This is not to say that an at-will worker does not receive employee retaliation protection on the job. Every employee has protection from workplace retaliation under federal and California labor laws and the Whistleblower Protection Act.
How to Document Retaliation at Work
In order to prove that you are facing retaliation at the workplace, you must be able to show direct evidence or circumstantial evidence that you experienced or witnessed a form of harassment or discrimination, that you participated in a protected activity after your employer’s illegal activity, and that you were punished because you participated in a protected activity.
Some ways to document retaliation may include:
- Written or verbal statements
- Witness statements
- Emails
- Documentation that similar employees have been treated differently based on protected categories
- A timeline of when the protected activity and the retaliation occurred
Have you faced workplace retaliation? Do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced retaliation attorney in Los Angeles at Kesluk, Silverstein, Jacob & Morrison, P.C.. Call (310) 997-4431 to request a free initial consultation.
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