Dealing with Gender or Sex Discrimination at Work?
Los Angeles Gender Discrimination Lawyer Offers Help for California Employment Law Claims
If you faced sex discrimination or gender discrimination at your job, then you may be able to secure compensation and justice from your employer. Gender harassment is also a form of sex discrimination. However, these acts do not need to be sexual in nature for them to be illegal. Our gender discrimination lawyer explains that this type of workplace discrimination takes many forms, from sexual harassment to unequal pay. However, any behavior from an employer or potential employer that treats a worker differently based on sex or gender is unlawful. Our Los Angeles employment law firm offers free consultations to discuss these situations.
Sex and Gender Discrimination Definition
Gender based harassment is harassment that would not have occurred but for the sex of the victim. Remarks such as, “You’re an overpowering woman,” “You’re a pushy broad” or “She must have PMS” may be construed as gender harassment. Women may also find a glass ceiling that prevents them from moving up to management positions in corporate companies because of their gender. However, men can also be affected by sex discrimination at work.
When we evaluate a sex discrimination or gender discrimination claim, our attorneys work to answer several questions:
- Did an employer routinely make or tolerate derogatory remarks about a woman or man?
- Did an employer make specific gender remarks about you?
- Was there evidence of gender stereotyping?
If we find the answer to be “Yes” to these and other important case factors, you may be able to secure relief under state or federal law. Federal law remedies for discrimination are based upon Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While Title 7 applies to employers with fifteen or more employees, similar state anti-sex discrimination laws usually protect workers of smaller employers.
Examples of Sex and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
Gender discrimination can occur at any stage of employment. This includes the initial hiring decision, promotions, terminations as well as getting decreased compensation, benefits or training. It may also manifest itself through sexist comments or sexual harassment at work.
Sexual discrimination does not have to be sexual in nature. Gender-based discrimination or harassment involves conduct that would not have occurred but for the gender of the victim. Comments about how employees of a particular gender are not suited for particular jobs, or a pattern of statements about employee conduct may support an action for gender discrimination.
How Do You Prove Gender Discrimination?
If an employer regularly excludes people of a certain gender from positions for which they are qualified, this may then support an action for sexual discrimination. Examples include:
- Refusing to consider a man for a child care position on the basis of gender alone
- Refusing to consider women for sales positions
- Only hiring women for receptionist positions
Certain employer conduct raises questions about their intentions, and may be suggestive of discriminatory motives. For example, if an employer makes pre-employment inquiries about an employee’s gender, it then raises the concern that the employer will use the information in the hiring decision. If an employer asks improper questions to a job candidate, such as “Are you married?” or “Do you intend to have children?”, then it suggests that the employer may be considering that irrelevant information as part of a hiring decision
Where an employer makes such improper inquiries, and an analysis of their hiring patterns shows that they only hired married applicants or that they never hire women who indicate an intention to have children, the pattern may stand as evidence of discriminatory hiring practices.
Contact Our Los Angeles Gender Discrimination Lawyer for Help With Gender Discrimination Cases
If you are a victim of discrimination in a California workplace, then contact a Los Angeles gender discrimination lawyer. Our discrimination lawyers in Los Angeles provide information about employment laws that protect you from gender or sex-based discrimination. Learn your legal rights today by calling us or submitting an online case review form.
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